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Here are 4 awesome platforms to find startup jobs

You want to work at a company that's doing something cool and important, but it can't just be any cool and important thing.It has to be something that makes you get up in the morning excited about what you'll do all day. But how do you find those jobs? Well, we've rounded up four great websites that will help you find your next gig.

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Looking for a job? Here are 2022's Best Startups for Diversity + Flexibility

More than 3 out of 4 job seekers look for a diverse workforce when evaluating potential employers – and if you're reading this, you're probably one of them! Luckily, many companies – especially startups – are stepping up with some awesome DEI efforts to attract top talent like yourself. Keep reading for a few organizations that are leading the way when it comes to diversity!

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Job seekers, here are 4 culture red flags you need to look out for

So, you’re looking for a new role. No matter your reasons for seeking new employment, you’re likely looking for more than just a job you’ll be able to tolerate. These days, many candidates are searching for companies with inclusive cultures that align with their personal values – so here are 4 culture red flags to watch out for during your job search!

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